What information is missing from the Lincoln Financial workpapers?

This article summarizes information that is missing from each of the Lincoln Financial workpapers in detail.

  • Contribution Allocation Testing
    • The input report does not include the percent elected for allocation, so this information is blank in the AuditMiner workpaper for Lincoln Financial.
  • Distribution Package
    • The distribution input report does not include forfeitures, distribution fees, loan defaults, payee, amount paid, or vested percentage by money source.
  • Investment Disclosure Support
    • The input report doesn’t include investment ID, ticker symbol, current year shares, current year price, or current year cost.
  • Investment Income Allocation
    • The input reports don’t include the ticker symbol and therefore AuditMiner is unable to populate the Fund Return.
  • Loan Package
    • The Loan Package does not include original loan date, original loan amount, payment amount, interest rate, maturity date, unpaid accrued interest, and payment frequency.
  • Rollovers Package
    • The Rollover Package does not include rollover date, participant elected allocation percent, and qualified institution as it is not included in the input reports.