What information is missing from the John Hancock workpapers?

This article summarizes information that is missing from each of the John Hancock workpapers in detail.

  • Contribution Allocation Testing:
    • The input report does not include the percent elected for allocation, investment name, or ticker symbol so this information is blank in the AuditMiner workpaper for John Hancock.
  • Distribution Package  
    • The input report does include distributions broken down by money source or vesting percentage. 
    • The input report does not include federal taxes, state taxes, amount paid, loan default, forfeiture, distribution fees, or the payee so they will not be included in the AuditMiner outputs.  
  • Investment Disclosure Support 
    • The input report does not include the investment ID, ticker symbol, prior year amounts, shares, price, or cost. 
  •  Loan Package
    • The input report does not include the beginning loan balance, original loan amount for loans issued in previous years, unpaid accrued interest, loan default amounts or payment frequency. 
  •  Rollovers Package
    • AuditMiner is missing the rollover date, investment option name, participant elected allocation percent, and the qualified institution the check was received from as this information is not provided in the John Hancock input report.